The site is in Test Mode - do not use the form at this time.
Share Your Experience
This site is created to collect and present real-life data about people’s use of Amanita Muscaria. You can share one or many experiences here – we will collect and present the data in easy-to-understand formats and graphs.
Be part of a growing community of explorers and users – help others better understand what is possible when using Amanita Muscaria.
Please complete the survey by clicking the correct choices, marking the correct options, and writing down and sharing about your experience. Your participation is very much appreciated. As a thank you, you will receive a discount on a purchase of Amanita Muscaria!
You can edit or complete the information you shared later.
The information will be published on this site and can also be used for scientific research. Everyone sharing gets access to the full report, which is emailed to you after you submit the form.

Please fill out the form as completely as possible. The more data we get, the better we will understand Amanita Muscaria.
We will start with asking you about how much you used and then ask questions about when and where. At the end of the form you will be asked to write a short summary and also a more detailed report about your experience.
It may be best to write the longer text outside of this form so that you do not risk loosing what you have written if your internet connection is interrupted.
Write in your own language or use to translate your text into English for free.
Thank you for sharing!
The form can take up to 30 minutes to fill in, depending on how much you will write.
If you want to save the form for later and complete it at another time, make sure to fill in your name and email address (required fields) and then submit your partially filled in form - this way you will be able to access it and complete it at a later time.
You may also want to first write "your story" down in another program so that you can copy and paste that text into this form. You may also upload text files into the form.
The main texts to prepare is a shorter summary of your experience and a linger more complete and detailed "report" or story. There are many who would love to know as much as possible about your experience, allow yourself to share freely.
You can submit the form before you finish filling it out. Click the Submit button and check your emails. You will receive an email with a link to your form so that you can edit it and complete it later.
Thank You!
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